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职位编号: C6035
Dance Teachers Needed (Wenzhou of Zhejiang Province)
工作地点: 温州
工作地址: Rui An city, Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province (we have 2 training centers)
工作类型: 全职(办公室)
行业&领域: 教育, 体育/休闲
职位数量: 3
薪水: 月薪: 人民币 (CNY) 17,000 至 25,000
联系人: HR
更新日期: 2022/8/19
有效期至: 2022/9/1     Expired
Dance Teachers Needed (Wenzhou of Zhejiang Province)

About us:
As the world of dance continues to evolve, CH POPCORN DANCE STUDIO focuses on international dance education, creating opportunities for students to learn from world-class dance masters.
Popcorn's international Teen Dance program combines classical ballet, contemporary dance, jazz dance, and gymnastics. JEROME, a former choreographer for Lady Gaga and Beyonce, is invited to attend classes with international and international dance masters. For example, Krista Miller, the most sought after dance teacher in North America, Ingrid Li meihui, a dancer from IQiyi, Elisa, the director of the Chinese TV program "Dance Storm", and Cesar, the principal of the Moscow Ballet came to guide them. And this year's National Day in Shanghai launched the first "American Certified Training" teacher Training, including dance technology, contemporary dance, jazz dance.

Our awards include:
2019 World School Performance Cheer Championships, Mini Pom- China 1st, Jazz Primary School Mini Open-China,1st.
2017 Global Dance +Cheer Games, Hawaii, Youth Open Dance,1st,

Job location: Rui An city, Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province (we have 2 training centers)

1/ Can teach kids (4-16 years old) Jazz dance, Contemporary dance and Technique.
2/ Come from North America, from other countries with very good related experience also ok.
3/ you must have kids dance teaching experience, if the kids you taught have ever won some rewards, you’re the one.
(We are a dance education institution with 2 training centers)

About the teaching time & salary
1/ Salary 17-25K RMB monthly, will according to your experiences and qualifications
2/ about 100 hours’ teaching every month, some specail months will have less.

if you’re interested and qualified, please email us your resume with picture:

Best regards

1/ Can teach kids (4-16 years old) Jazz dance, Contemporary dance and Technique.
2/ Come from North America, from other countries with very good related experience also ok.
3/ you must have kids dance teaching experience, if the kids you taught ever won some awards, you’re the one.
(We are a dance education institution with 2 training centers)
RMB 17-25K monthly
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